Here is our International Main Event, an unprecedented battle where defeat is not directly eliminatory. Attend engaged discussions. Who will be the last survivor?
“Last Survivor Cave Battle”, proposed by the Company (Cie Flies) is a Hip Hop dance battle with an original and new concept. Indeed, until now, it has only been offered by Cie Flies, in Paris and Montpellier.
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All the participants in the battle are dancers registered as free candidates and guests (i.e. guests). The grand final in Paris, meanwhile, will be made up of winners from each country. The course of each individual event is the same whether it takes place abroad or in France.
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The battle therefore unfolds as follows:
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I) Presets
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
This battle begins with preselections where the jury chooses only a limited number of dancers among all the participants. The latter are first drawn by lot and compete in 1vs1 before the jury.
II) Battle Royal
The selected people are then placed in a semi-circle for the battle royal. Each participant is assigned a different number indicating his order of passage. The dancers therefore pass one after the other, and at the end of each cycle, one of them is eliminated until only one remains. The winner of the battle royal directly wins his place in the final while the others prepare for the rest ...
III) 3 to smoke n ° 1
The originality of the concept of this event is based on the fact that elimination during the battle royal is not final. In addition, after the Battle Royal, the people who passed the presets and who have just been eliminated continue to dance. Then follows a 3 to smoke in several pools of balanced levels. To do this, the wave of the first three eliminated dancers competes in a pool while the other two waves of three dancers also compete separately. This time, only the winner of each pool wins their place for the next stage.
IV) Semi-final (3 to smoke n ° 2)
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The winners of the 3 to smoke compete in the semi-finals in a final 3 to smoke, but in the end, there will only be one left.
V) Final
The winner of the previous stage then goes to the final to compete against the winner of the battle royal.
Discover the winners of each edition
1st edition: April 2019
Choupi Forzesound
2nd edition: November 2019
Candyman badness