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Come and take part in our unique events, discounts and all of our dance courses. The subscription and membership fees finance the sportive insurance costs for students and give you access to many exclusive advantages throughtout the year, including dance-related trips, training programs and dance battles...
Adhésion et Forfait Cours
Enfant Ados
210€Payable en 2 foisValid for one yearAdultes Hip Hop
340€Payable en 3 foisValid for one yearAtelier Freestyle
400€Payable en 3 foisValid for one yearForfait 10 Cours
130€Valid for 4 monthsForfait 20 cours
220€Payable en 3 foisValid for 6 monthsAdhésion Association
30€Réduction ou gratuité sur toute notre offre culturelValid for one year
Vanvéens ? Demande ton code réduction
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